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What if everyone had the mindset to stand up for others? 


Don't be afraid of being yourself-ever. When somebody tries to hurt you or intimidate you, show the bigger side of it all. Don't try to hurt them back, because you would be doing the same thing they have done to you. Don't give them a reaction, show them you are not affected and are better than what they do to you. Tell friends, as they can be a great form of support and help you end this problem.


Be yourself, and don't be afraid to do so.


As a bystander you could be just as harmful as a bully. You have the power to stop horrible things happening, to make somebody safe and happy again. Use that power. Do not be afraid to step in. Either by standing up to the bully and speaking to them, or warning authorities. Reporting bullying is not going to hurt you, it will only make you strong of character as you have the courage to stand up and help others. You can make a change in someone's life and around your community. Be that change. 


In this case you have more power than anyone else. But you use it wisely. Do not jump to conclusions. If you suspect something, clarify things with the victim first. Do not jump into any punishment, because sometimes the bullying could continue outside of school. Talk to the victim, understand the situation and listen to their ideas as to how the problem could be approached. Many times getting a different vision of it may help stop the problem, whilst harsh punishment will only make it worse. Bullies need to be shown that they are wrong and why.

With great power comes great responsibility 


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